32nd edition of “SILVER” was exceptionally rich: 16 exhibitions and vernissages, meeting with artists, promotion of the catalogues and book devoted to science session “Boundaries of global art 2000-2010”, fashion show, concert and happenings. On the main ceremony of the 20th Legnica International Jewellery Competition SEXY were given awards value over 50 000 PLN (money prizes, 6,5 kg of silver, stand on Inhorgenta Fairs in Munich in 2012 and the participation in the 4th International Amber Workshop Gdańsk 2011).
To Legnica arrived numerous artist, professors and students from Poland (Warszawa, Gdańsk, Sopot, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław) and abroad, among others: Ingrid Römmich, Veronika Schmidt, Claudia Milić, Julia Reymann, Ignasi Cavaller, Harold O`Connor, Vratislav Karel Novák, Lida Šikolová, Miroslav Cogan, Robert Browning.
Organizers give special thanks to the authors of the exhibitions: Felicity Peters from Australia, Ramon Puig Cuyàs from Spain, absent Hanna Hedman (Sweden) and Pedro Sequeira (Portugal), curator of “Presioza Young” Giò Carbone from Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School from Florence (Italy), employees of "Silver Schools" from London and Antwerp: Mah Rana, Tim Carson, Clare O`Driscoll, Kurt Von Belleghem, Hilde Van der Heyden and Frank Plog.
Great culmination started on the Friday afternoon. First vernissages – “Holownia” and “SEXY Posters” were opened in the Old City Hall. We`ve seen almost thirty SEXY posters and a few hundreds pieces sent from 33 countries to competition SEXY (but not selected to the main exhibition). After that we`ve met young debutante Michalina Owczarek and her jewellery. Another openings took place in the Legnica Centre of Culture. Fashion show of jewellery and clothes of Mariusz Gliwiński and his “Re-cycle” was strong point of the day. Others exhibitions was “Presentations 2010” and “XX File” – prepare for the 20th anniversary of Goldmismithing Artists` Association. Because of that the audience could try really birthday cake. The next place was Cooper Museum, where was presented exhibitions “Boundaries of the silver spaces” – pieces from the collection of the Prof. Irena Huml. Exposition with the catalogue show 300 objects made during last 50 years in the Polish postwar craft cooperatives and authors workshops. The day was finished by the blues-rock concert in the Modjeska Caffe.
Saturday was started with „Silver meeting with pierogi” (traditional polish dish) in the Ratuszowa Restaurant, where Felicity Peters and Ramon Puig Cuyàs from Escola Massana talking about themselves, theirs work, life and inspirations. We`ve seen many pictures from Australia, Spain and authors ateliers. At the 5 p.m. started vernissages in Satyrykon Gallery. Four authors of the “Temptation” exhibition remained very mysterious till the end. Afterwards curator of “Presioza Young” Giò Carbone introduce in a few words the exhibition which presents pieces of 8 designers from Japan to USA. The next exhibition was from the cycle Silver School. English part of Silver School exhibition was opened by Mah Rana – Course Leader MA Jewellery Design of Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and Design, London Metropolitan University (Great Britain), Tim Carson – coordinator of 1st level of studies, member of Dialogue Collective and Clare O`Driscoll – graduate. Belgian part introduced Kurt Von Belleghem from Jewellery Design / Silversmithing Faculty, Sint Lucas University College of Art & Design, Antwerp. This exhibition called DER SCHMUCK SALON presents pieses on the red installations which looks like part of furniture and frames. Cycle About the Artist we seen in the Ring Gallery. We`ve show there pieces of Hanna Hedman (in the midst of tree branches) and the special performance: empty place for works of Pedro Sequeira. Big board informed that this lack is “bare no power of …post” and included description of absurd move of international post, which result in the package with the pieces of Portugese artist steel circling between Polish and Lisboa. Other solo exhibitions inaugurate two artists – Ewa Effenberg (Poland) and Felicity Peters (Australia). Our Australian friend was talking about Polish inspirations.
Then, the Festival`s procession went to the headquarters of the Gallery of Art, where was presented creation of the last artist from the series “About the Artists” - Ramon P. Cuyàs. After that in the gallery appeared sweet treats which shape resembling the logo of the Festival and started the main ceremony - the 20th Legnica International Jewellery Competition SEXY. After welcoming the participants by traditional red rose, curators read the first sentence of the jury record: on this year`s competition 453 pieces were submitted by 253 artists from 33 countries but to the exhibition were selected only 44 artists. The temperature increased with the each subsequent verse. First we met winnes of the awards beyond the competence of the jury. Award of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk – participation in the 4th International Amber Workshop in Gdańsk went to Doris Maninger from Italy, Honourable Mentions of the Director of the Gallery of Art in Legnica was granted to Sara Gackowska (Poland); Renata Korpas (Poland) recived Honourable Mention of the Goldsmithing Artists` Association and Philip Sajet (The Netherlands) - Honourable Mention of the Polish Jewellery. Kacper Schiffers appeared on stage twice – as a laureate of awards: of the Alchemy Gallery from Wrocław - 0.5 kg of silver (award was given by Mr. Jakub Reichel – owner of the Alchemy Gallery) and of the Joachim Sokólski award established by the Polish Modern Art Foundation - 1 kg of silver (award was given by Mr. Mariusz Pajączkowski). „Consolation” Prize founded by Six Group - 1.500 PLN was given to Marlene Beyer from Germany. Spanish artist – Ignasi Cavaller personally picked up the award in the form a stand at Inhorgenta Fair in 2012. As every year – the award was handed in by Ms. Joanna Biernacka-Goworek – official representative of Inhorgenta in Poland. After that was time for prizes in the competence of the jury. Among the winners were: Kacper Schiffers (Silver Spur + 1 kg of silver) and Julia Reymann from Germany (Statuette “Marek” + 1 kg of silver). Mayor of the Legnica City handed in 3rd Award (2.500 PLN + 1 kg of silver) to Jarosław Westermark (Poland). 2nd Award of the Marshall of the Lower Silesia Province (5.000 PLN + 1 kg of silver) was given to Claudia Milić from Germany. Grand Prix received German group BASTARD Collection (Ingrid Römmich and Veronika Schmidt). The award was handed in by Member of Polish Parliament - Mr. Robert Kropiwnicki and Ms. Marzena Słabolepsza – representative of the KGHM Polish Copper S.A. After the main ceremony we started to celebrate succesfull time on “silver party” in the Ratuszowa Restaurant.
It was special weekend, the fans of jewellery art meet together again in Legnica.