Agnieszka Bruzda & Jan Suchodolski

A. Bruzda
This project in the cycle About the Artist, with a square brooch as its main theme, is carried out by two artists. Agnieszka Bruzda graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. She has been making jewellery since 1992. Participated in many exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Jan Suchodolski studied landscape architecture at the Agricultural Academy in Warsaw. He has been pursuing jewellery design since 1986. A long-term member of the STFZ. Participated in many exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
The idea of a common show arrived spontaneously, but about it in a moment. We live in different cities, and meet not really often. Conversations about the jewellery are a true rarity. But from many years exists between us thread of sympathy and a common understanding. Quadratic brooch accompanies our work from always. Jan “invented” it as a first one. In one of recent projects in the workshops in Kraków and Warsaw at the same time we came up (and it was not a first time like that) with the similar ideas. On the quadratic surfaces appears words. In my brooches are the names of months, in Jan’s – i.a. the fragments of the words from songs. When we saw the works one of another, suddenly came the idea: what if we’ll do a common exhibition, in which the main idea would be quadratic brooch? Yes B2! And this is how it started…
Agnieszka Bruzda, Jan Suchodolski
A. Bruzda
Agnieszka Bruzda B. in Cracow in 1964. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Department of Industrial Forms (1995). She has been working with jewellery since 1992. Participated in many exhibitions in Poland and abroad (Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden). The latest individual exhibitions: for you…in Bielak Gallery in Cracow in 2004. Awards: 8th OPFZ Silver‘94 – RODENT-CZEK Award, State Gallery of Art, Legnica, 1994; 10th MKSZ Amulets – Award of the Mayor of Legnica, State Gallery of Art, Legnica, 1998. Works in the collections of museums in Legnica, Gliwice, and numerous private collections.
A. Bruzda
J. Suchodolski
J. Suchodolski